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LONG TERM - Permanent disabilities, Low self-esteem, Fears and phobias, Permanent Sleeping disorders, Permanent Eating disorders, Depression, Self injury, Suicide
SHORT and MEDIUM TERM - Disabilities, Miscarriages, Unwanted pregnancies, STDs, Fears and phobias, Sleeping disorders, Eating disorders, Depression, Self injury, Suicide
IMMEDIATE - Minor to serious physical injuries, Death
Physical - Hitting, beating, slapping, pushing, burning, maiming, severing limbs, killing
Verbal - Scolding, shouting, insulting, threatening
Sexual - Forced sexual acts, abnormal sexual acts including rape, sexual harassment
Emotional - Causing emotional pain, not allowing to go out or be in touch with friends and family, humiliation, finding fault
Economic - Not providing money for spending, taking the salary, managing spending
Digital - Violence through mobile devices, social media and other digital channels
Root Cause
Root cause of violence
Contributing factors
The smaller roots of the tree depict contributory factors of violence